Stratigraphie-Freilegung Down

Art-historical research

As a rule, art-historical research is conducted in-house by our certified conservators. In some cases, for example in more complex projects, we collaborate with art-historians or archeologists.

The first step is to conduct an internet search, where we gather information on the object by means of key words, for example, address, builder, architect. In many cases this is followed by in-depth research at libraries, antic book stores, and picture archives. The next step is a visit to the archives of building authorities, lower-level monuments preservation authorities and the archives of state-level authorities. Here, as a rule, the so-called building file, all documents relevant to preservation orders, as well as blueprints and assorted files might be obtained in digital form.

The historical documentation of a given building consists of the comprehensive and detailed rendering of all facts pertaining to the preservation relevance of the construction history. All reshaping, modifications and annexes are listed, dated and put into context.

Showing all this, the documentation of the construction history delivers a sound basis for planning and examinations/explorations of a given object. It is used by builders and architects, as well as by researchers and conservators. It contains the basic facts necessary to determine general approach as well as detailed planning.



Buch & Schudrowitz

Zellestrasse 2A

10247 Berlin, Germany